Broadcast Wisdom

Perspectacles® Podcast

The Perspectacles® Podcast is an ongoing contemplative conversation, held between a father, Rev. Gola Wolf Richards, and his son, Ryan W. Richards; focused on the idea that we must learn to save ourselves collectively, from ourselves as individuals; based on addressing all conflicts, grounded in a higher orientation to consciousness; where in theory and in practice: As timeliness in self-cultivation is framed within the most holistic range of concerns that compassion can reach, the character of our moral self-cultivation is central, to how Yin/Yang dynamics of universal reciprocity evolve interlacing pathways, to exceed how hell will otherwise continue to thrive, where heaven fails to grow.

The United States of Consciousness and Change

Contemplative Segues to Responsible Citizenship in the United States of Consciousness and Change; Reflected in Twelve Interlacing Stanzas, of a Sermon for Voting to Elect Peace.


La Moumoute


Dove Pax